Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Romantics

I have written my mini-review of this movie in my other blog… I talked about the characters and how I think of them… My observation was not pleasant because, the personalities of these characters are certainly beastly, not literally though.

Since, I said my piece about the characters in my other blogs… you can click it here if you wish to know what I think about the three lead characters…

Anyway, let’s talk about the movie as a whole. If you are from a conservative culture, you would detest the theme of the story. But the plot is good… the revelation of every scene hooks you from beginning to end, at least in my end… of course the effect is different if you read more reviews prior to watching it…because many critics are spoilers to some degree… So I tried very hard not to do that to my readers… So like I said, reading reviews could make you a sour viewer because you know too much about the movie already…

At any rate, the whole time I was watching the movie, I was really on the edge of my seat…-- anticipative of what might happen next. I had my moments of criticizing aloud the responses of certain characters. Oh yeah! I truly forgot about movie etiquette, good thing I was watching alone so nobody was pissed off with me being a bit blatant (in the sense that I was thinking aloud)

Now, going back to the theme… It is not something that you would appreciate, especially women, because we enjoy or prefer the typical love story—we expect that the lead female character gets what she hopes and or deserves because she is the cool “jeune fille”. In the case of Katie Holmes, she used to be the “girl Friday” of Anna Paquin in the movie, and she has somehow been stepped on… But reality check, Life is somehow like that – not fair (as always)… and it is not bad if we do watch movies that depict what’s REALLY happening with the relationships of some people… Not everybody gets a happy ending…Somehow we learn lessons from watching films that realistically reflect unpleasant events… though the ending of this movie is somehow cliffhanged. So you get to decide the ending… oh, that’s how I understand it. Go watch it but take this unsolicited advice--- rent the DVD rather than watching it in the theater. Smile 


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